Sunday, January 16, 2022

Friday night...

 9 Months Later...

Since they first met back in April of 2021,

All Hell had broken lose!

And it was all her doing once again.

No one beats her at this game.

She's the Queen of the Chess Game.

She's the one that Ends the game.

It's just how it is.

It's how it always was.

And how it'll always be...



So the story goes...


They were together every step of the way.

Everything they did,

They did together.

They were inseparable.

They loved each other very much.

But they loved themselves...

Not enough to match that love. 

The level of love they had for each other

Just didn't seem to add up to the same amount of love they had for themselves..

Which of course, disrupted the flow.

The flow Of...

The laws of the universe.

The law of attraction.

Which is exactly the very thing that attracted her to him,

 even though

she had

Chanced upon his room


seen his pills


Witnessed his insecurity first hand!

But still...

Unconditional love was her truth.

She wasn't a judge.

She understood everything.

Everything except herself.

Who she truly was.

She needed space.

She needed to cultivate her own energy

So she could shine her light to all.

Especially to him.

And he...

He needed to trust in himself.

To be secure in his own worth.

To realize that a fight wasn't all he had.

He had love. 

Just not for himself.

But that was all he truly needed.

As did she..
