Thursday, March 3, 2022

Discovering truths

 As she sat in the bar, drinking her beer, 

Doing what she enjoyed the most, writing...

She couldn't help but shake the thought that everything in her relationship world was falling apart.

Her boyfriend had just text several insecure texts to her..

Some rather very harsh and rude accusations to say the least.

 And then she remembered..

This was just a thought.

Sure her boyfriend had his insecurities.

And she knew they were his, that's for sure.

She knew herself very well. 

She was a great woman.





Full of joy!

And very trusting.

She knew that in order for another person to feel her as the same..

That she would have to first do them with herself.

And that is exactly why tonight...

She was kind caring loving understanding full of joy and trusting in herself to do what her heart truly wanted and desired. 

And so she took another sip of her favorite beer..

And continued to write the rest of her blog..

Till the next chapter happens..