She was standing face to face with her reality.
In one hand,
she held the blue pill.
The pill to end all her pains and struggles.
But in the other hand,
she held the red pill.
Her favorite color.
How irresistible it was to just take that pill
without even thinking about what it would really do to her.
The consequences.
The free falls!
Going down the rabbit hole...
Chasing that rabbit...
Trying everything and anything
just to see if she could.
Then Realizing that she did
and that she could.
Yet, where did she end up?
Time and time again?
Always in the same dream turned nightmare.
Starting over again.
And again.
Running from the same fears over and over.
This was the game.
Everything she tried,
big or little.
Fat or thin,
up or down..
good or evil,
was all the same dream.
Same wish.
Same nightmare.
The rabbit hole could go forever.
But her legs were getting tired.
The snow was getting too deep to keep running through.
Her boots were melting to the blacktop with each step she tried to take.
It was time to stop running.
And so she looked at the blue pill in her hand.
To take the blue pill would mean to stop all that could be
and wake up finally.
Back in her own bed.
Being able to believe as she wanted to believe.
And that was a life worth giving a shot to.