Thursday, May 19, 2022

Ascending to CLouD NiNE

The energies were rising.

Everyone was feeling them,

including her.

As she began her new way of life,

she realized that how she wanted the energies to

play out in her days,

were always totally up to her.

If she wanted to have a lot of energy,

full of joy,



and just pure energy...

All she had to do was listen to her heart. 


if she wanted her day to be

 a struggle after struggle..

Full of strain,





that could drain an entire ocean,

all she had to do was wake up

and begin by telling herself that she needed to go to work

to make that money


will enjoy breakfast after she got there.

Then from there,

the drain will have been completely unplugged,

with no where to go but down.

  She chose to go up...


 That day,

 she began her day

with her favorite cup of coffee,

Cafe Bustelo!

As well as her daily meditation.

Her meditation consisted of

first putting 

music in her headphones.

The kind of music that

sometimes took her back to old memories 

and old feelings.

And sometimes 

the kind of music

 that took her into a calm where she 

could really relax and feel 

what she was truly feeling in that exact moment.

Alongside her music,

she also had a website or blogger

who specialized in planetary readings. 

She really liked the ones that always 

made her question what she was feeling.

They got her to open up those uncomfortable feelings 

that she knew she was always trying to suppress or run away from.

As she did a check list of her body talk,

Tooth pain? Check

Right thumb paper cut.. Check

Left knee pain... Check


After welcoming them all as well as all the fears attached to them,

she was ready to begin her day by asking her heart

what it would really like to do 

 at that very moment that would make it 

feel happy and loved.

And from there she would follow exactly what it whispered to her.

She just had to quiet her mind in order to hear and feel the answer.

And from that moment forward, 

everything she did was filled with energy.

She had learned the hard way

that the only thing she always had to really be aware of..

is that every time she made a decision..

It had to come from her hearts desires. 

Her truest values.

Love for herself.


If she was rushed to make a decision

and made it out of fear,

Fear of losing, 

fear of abandonment,

fear of rejection, 

she would feel it hit hard!

And eventually if she kept running on making her 

decisions out of fear,

Her tank would eventually crack and all the energy 

would drain completely 

with no one to blame

but herself.