Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Chapter Six and a Half

Two weeks go by and all she gets is a few snap chat images of C at work and Most times at home drinking or out at a bar drinking.
She starts to realize just how boring he really is. Work and drink, work and drink.
No ounce of interest displays in any of his snaps other then booze and sitting on a couch watching sports.
However.. one time he does send a snap where he is by a river at a park so that kind of intrigues her, but still not enough to say, wow! Here's a keeper.

As for Tric, she comes to find out he is not feeling well so she leaves him alone too for the rest of the two weeks.
She has time to focus more on her health and healing and starts to realize a lot of things that she was not really paying attention to about herself because she got so carried away in the needs of these guys.

She realized that she was always there for them when they wanted her, yet when she needed them they were either too busy with work or friends or just whatever other thing came to them.
And this made her really start to contemplate her own self worth.

Why was she continuing to be there for them when they needed her? When they were never there for her when she needed them?
So she decided to throw in a test for herself...

She decided... That right now... She needed a release...
 Two weeks of all work and no play had all the tensions flying about in her and she needed some fun to release all the built up tensions some how.
 So she threw a text out at C.

Very blunt. Very to the point.
No confusions to be had..
Just plain truth.
She wrote...
"Come see me, I need sex."

Usually C only came to her on Saturday nights since he was off Sunday's... But She sent this very text On Monday Night when he is usually asleep.
Tuesday morning, She wakes up and does her thing then gets ready for work.
In chimes a message from C.

"I can see you tonight."

The text had been answered!
 And then it hit her.. 

She had been doing things wrong all along. 
She was thinking too much about things.
 And by thinking about things too much, she created an attachment to these guys. 

She learned that attachment happens when giving too much overpowers receiving, and that was exactly what she was doing with both of these guys.
She decided right then and there that she was going to take her power back. 
It was that simple. 

So she looked at the text.
"I could see you tonight."

And she wrote back...
"Where do I pick you up at?"


She got to the bar where C was at and sent him a text. 
"I'm here."
He comes staggering out of the bar... 
She laughed so hard, then got out of her car to help him before he fell over. 
She completely lost all respect for him right then and there and was thinking... 
Should she just tell him to go back to his friends? 
But she decided otherwise cuz she already made the trip to get him. 
In the words of most Americans, 
she thought, 
Let's just get this over with. 

Thirty minutes later, 
She was so dissatisfied with their third shot at emotionless connection lacking intimacy, that she could hardly wait to drop him off at his own house! 

When she got back to her own house she began to write in her diary..
Dear Diary,

Two days go by and she gets a chance to regroup. 
She's enjoying her day off when in chimes a message from Tric!

She was expecting the usual sexual banter from him, but to her surprise he started off pretty concerned.
He asked how she was and how things were. 
Then it came...
"Did you and the boyfriend make up? "

She wasn't going to lie...
"Kind of..."
She knew that C wasn't a boyfriend... number one. 
And number two, they did have sex but it didn't make him a keeper. 
And Tric knew this. 
Or did he? 
She didn't care.
She had a way of screwing with his head. 
She would tell him she was interested in C, when really she wasn't.

But why did she do that? 
She knew exactly why.. 
Her ego was trying to score points again.

But she knew... 
It was getting too dangerous. 
Way too out of hand. 
She felt it... 
The attachment trying to grow again.
She had to cut it off. 

SO... she decided to throw in a test out again.. 
When he mentioned he could see her that night, 
She responded with a casual, 
"sure, just text me."

However, that night came and went and she never got a text.
Until super super late that very next evening.
But by that time she was already fast asleep in her own bed, alone.
Tric had Failed her. 
Casual sex is a two way street. 
But it was very evident to her that with Tric, sex only worked on
His time.
 His terms.
 His needs. 

Forbidden Fruit or not, he was quickly rotting before her very eyes. 

The next morning when she woke up, she received his text from 3am... He wondered where her text was.
She blatantly wrote, 
"they expired Thursday night."

She was done doing things when they wanted.
Only if they considered her equal...
Only then can the ball go back and forth.

But so far, she realized that C's balls were always deflated and lacked bounce... 
And Tric just took his balls and ran with it expecting her to chase him.

She knew she was better than that.