Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Open or Closed Casket?

 Life just wasn't letting up on her.

Things were getting more and more stressful by each passing day.

Her money situation was at a standstill..

She had become a beggar.

She was getting more and more antsy inside her core.

And she hated that feeling.

But this time, she decided to wait it out.

With all her might, she made herself wait.

She was now 'A lady in waiting', as she once read on a book cover.

If only she would have read the rest of that book,

maybe she would have known how to make waiting pass by quicker.

"Ugh", she grunted...

"Reading is for people who can't think for themselves". 

She heard that in a movie once and made it her motto for life. 

Now she wanted to make 'just do it already' her motto.

"Damn this life", she cursed.

She took a deep breathe in... How do these people do it?

How do they live this boring life?

It's like that movie Ground Hogs Day with Bill Murray.

Same shit, different day. 

There just wasn't enough spark in that idea for her 

to carry forth.

She was dragging. 

The candle light was fading. 

It was getting dark..

Just as it would be in her coffin when they closed the lid. 

"Ugh! Shake it off girl!" 

"Shit burns, shit explodes, shit stinks... but that don't mean you have to stay in it. 

Get up and move your ass!"   yelled a voice inside her head.

She looked around, and realized the voice was right...

 She did indeed have another option. 

And she got up... 

and went...

 and grabbed a beer. 

"Drown Bitch", she wickedly said under her breath just before she took the first chug! 

 And that was the last time anyone ever saw her. 

She died that night of alcohol poisoning. 

And the coffin lid closed, as did the rest of her 3D life!