Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The Fall of Fear into the Light!

The Next day, she thought things would get better. 

She always hoped for the best. 

But she never really liked to expect the worst, as the saying goes..

But she had no choice in this matter.

She came home from getting a Job offer, and she was bursting with excitement!

She couldn't wait to share the great news with her man.

As she got home, she realized he was on the phone with his mum.

But as soon as she got the chance, she sat down and told him the exciting news.

To her surprise... He wasn't enthused...

Instead he was down right rude about it.

He began making assumptions.

Insecure assumptions like, 'I bet you slept with the boss to get it"

and then he went on about how he knew she was going to leave him as soon as she got paid. 

His insecurities were just flying out of his mouth left and right.

She couldn't believe it!. 

But then again, she realized that their entire relationship was all

about her defending herself from all his insecure accusations! 

She was really beginning to feel the weight he was putting on her. 

It wasn't hers.

It was his. 

So she stopped. 

She stopped defending herself. 

She got up and told him that he needed to deal with his insecurities

on his own, cuz there was nothing she could do to make him believe anything he didn't 

want to see. 

And after hearing those words come out of her mouth, she realized she had just gave herself the answer she had been seeking the whole time.

"There was nothing she could do, if she chose not to see the truth!"

The truth was always right in front of her.

This boy, that she chose to call her man, was not good enough for her.

With every conversation they had, somehow he had thrown in words and statements that left her always doubting herself and feeling like she was totally drained.

He always made himself out to be so much better then her.  Even though, when they met, she was the one with a car, with all the money, and all the stuff needed for a normal life. Somehow he made it out to be that she was nothing without him. and that he was way better then her.

He never achieved a car, yet, he kept her chasing the idea that one day they would get somewhere as long as they worked together. 

He worked hard to isolate her. He was sure to make life so hard for her with his insecurities that she would lose her jobs, her family, her friends... And once he did achieve her being isolated, he began to disrespect her almost instantly and every chance he got.

And everytime she worked on herself to lift her spirits back up, he would come crashing in with his own created dramas and make it seem like it was something they needed to work through together. 

His drama, his crisis, was somehow.. Their duty to fix together. 

And this was the truth she chose over and over not to see. 

Not to believe.

All because she had a heart of an angel... 

But because she had a Pride that was so much bigger...

 It completely blocked out the light that would have revealed the truth a long time ago.

So she let it fall before her... 

The Next Morning, she awoke after a hard night..

She stood in that small room by the bed, 

Phone in hand... 

Eyes wide open...

and she took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled...

Then she began to text her family in order to close the final Chapter 

to this story of her so-called Pride.

The End... 

**Note from Author**

 Hello Everyone! If you have enjoyed my story this far, please look for my next project which I will begin very soon! It'll be a totally different turnout, so please do come back and check it out! In my belief, Life is a journey that was meant to be experienced to it's fullest. I don't regret any part of this story no matter how dark it really was. I'm just glad I had the chance to survive it and tell you all about my experience! Thank you to those wonderful people who have stayed with me thus far! Love you all! 

XoXo <3

<3 Spiritual Ava <3